Internet Governance: How 11 Nations Will Control the World Wide Web - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research
Internet Governance: How 11 Nations Will Control the World Wide Web - Top US World News | Susanne Posel Daily Headlines and Research:
The US State Department announced that they would “participate in NETmundial – Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 23-24.”
Michael Daniel, cybersecurity coordinator for the White House will accompany representatives from the USSD and the Department of Commerce National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA).
This meeting will combine government and nation representatives to evaluate how society, the private sector, academia and the technical community can come together for the purpose of establishing internet governance.
This meeting is “organized by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (BISC) and 1Net” to collaborate to form a “shared vision for the multistakeholder model of internet governance.”
The Brazilian senate has passed the “Internet Constitution” that provides equal access to the web by all and protects privacy of Brazilian citizens from surveillance operations conducted by organizations such as the National Security Agency (NSA).