sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2014

10 Jahre Hartz IV - Das Mini-Minimum - Politik - Süddeutsche.de

10 Jahre Hartz IV - Das Mini-Minimum - Politik - Süddeutsche.de

 Comment by Heribert Prantl
Since Hartz IV and poverty has increased
in Germany. Hartz IV has the mood in the country is not lifted, but
pressed. Hartz IV has deported the blame for unemployment to those who
are unemployed. Hartz IV is now ten years of age, on 1 January 2005, the
"Law on the basic provision for jobseekers" entered into force
There is a huge subsidy program for low wages

For those who.. are not affected by this law, it is considered a good
law - because it counteracts the alleged Comprehensive mentality of the
people concerned; because it is perceived as a law tries to activate the
unemployed and forces them to do something rather than nothing half
senseless. The benefit is a reward for market-conforming behavior.

For those who have to live with Hartz IV, there is no assurance law, but
a law uncertainty. It is a law that they monitored her calls, yes
certainly also promotes; but above all their activities, so controlled
and sanctioned their entire lifestyle. And if the unemployed do not
behave as the law would imagine, the Hartz IV power so to ensure the
"basic security", ie the decent living wage, massively reduced.

Anti-Hartz IV Protests Continue 

2005 came into force, the Hartz IV law. Since then, poverty has
increased. It monitors and regards million people as potential slackers -
and does not fit into a state that is called welfare state.