Jerusalem high school alumni to students: Refuse military draft | +972 Magazine
Dozens of Jerusalem’s Israel Arts and Sciences Academy
alumni publish a letter calling on future graduates to refuse to serve
the occupation. Orly Noy sat down to speak to one of the signees about
the legality of the letter, militarism in the educational system and the
influence of former IASA student, Sayed Kashua.

Israeli refuseniks. Their T-shirts read: “We See. We Hear. We Refuse,”
Tel Aviv, October 16th, 2009. (Photo by Keren Manor/
Israeli military is responsible for the mundane systematic mechanisms
of oppression used against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories
while also taking part in the oppression and dispossession of the
non-Jewish citizens of the State of Israel. The military serves as an
enabler to a separation-regime based on the notion of an ethnic
superiority of Jews over Palestinians; a regime which denies basic human
rights, enforces separate legal systems to different populations in the
West Bank, and which has institutionalized a system of ethnic-based
discrimination in the ‘48 territory.