False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood | Global Research
campaign of aggression against North Korea, from the hacking of Sony
and the crescendo of noise over the film, The Interview, bears all the
markings of a CIA false flag operation.
The hacking and alleged
threats to moviegoers has been blamed entirely on North Korea, without a
shred of credible evidence beyond unsubstantiated accusations by the
FBI. Pyongyang’s responsibility has not been proven. But it has already
been officially endorsed, and publicly embraced as fact.
The idea of “America under attack by North Korea” is a lie.
The actual individuals of the mysterious group responsible for the
hacking remain conveniently unidentified. A multitude of
possibilities—Sony insiders, hackers-for-hire, generic Internet
vandalism—have not been explored in earnest. The more plausible
involvement of US spying agencies—the CIA, the NSA, etc. , their
overwhelming technological capability and their peerless hacking and
surveillance powers—remains studiously ignored.