Western-Imposed Holocaust
Beneath the cover of lies and deceptions, the West is willfully conducting a holocaust overseas.
Private Public Relations agencies, such as the Rendron Group, [i] are hired by the U.S government and its agencies, including the CIA and USAID, to conduct propaganda campaigns that hide the truth from unwitting audiences at home and abroad. (Most people would not support wars of aggression if they knew the truth.)
The lies are obscene but legal. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), empowers the U.S State department and the Pentagon to use any media to propagate any version of the "truth" that it wants to propagate. [ii]
"Democracy" and "Freedom"[iii], for example, are often promoted as reasons for illegal regime change, even as the messaging invariably proves to be entirely false.
Beneath these lies, the truth eventually unfolds, and the truth is that the West invades and destroys other countries so that it can dominate, control, and plunder targeted countries. Compliant comprador regimes are set up, typically with the help of proxies, and often with off-the-books funding -- courtesy of the illegal drug trade.
Imperial war planners are not burdened by ethics or the rule of law, and the depths to which they sink is unimaginable.
The illegal invasion of Iraq, sold to the world through about 935 oft repeated lies [iv] provides a window into the abyss of depravity:
War planners knew in advance that sanctions would destroy water treatment plants -- necessary for human survival -- and that this, therefore, would decimate the population. A leaked cable, dated January 1991,[v] reveals foreknowledge of the consequences. Point 28 of the cable states that "Full degradation of the water treatment system probably will take at least 6 months."