Irresponsibly Bashing Russia Veto Against Establishing Kangaroo MH17 Tribunal
Neither Russia nor Donbass freedom fighters had anything to do with downing MH17. Not a shred of evidence suggests it.
Plenty points to Washington and Ukraine culpability. They had clear means, motive and opportunity – the key determinants for initiating a criminal proceeding. They and partnered nations want Moscow and rebels blamed for their crime.
The Obama administration conspired with Malaysia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and Ukraine for unprecedented Security Council authorization for a tribunal to absolve culpable parties responsible for the incident and declare innocent ones guilty by accusation – a kangaroo process to be US manipulated and controlled to assure the outcome Washington wants.
Eleven nations voted “yes” (America, Britain, France, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria and Spain). Three abstained (China, Venezuela and Angola).
Russia’s veto defeated the draft resolution. Envoy Vitaly Churkin criticized its backers for submitting a measure with no chance for passage – rejecting compromise language Moscow proposed.