Nonviolent Resistance: How Manufactured Revolutions Serve US Foreign Policy
Dr. Gene Sharp wrote “From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation”, in 1973, based on his thesis paper.
In 1983, Sharp founded the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) which is a
non-profit organization that promotes the use of nonviolent action to
topple oppressive governments. The AEI receives its support
from globalist think-tanks and organizations that further agendas for
the Elite around the world. Members of the board of directors for AEI
come from the Ford Foundation and the RAND Corporation. Funding for the
AEI comes from:
• The Ford Foundation
• The International Republican Institute (IRI)
• The National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
The NED was created in 1983 to funnel funds to uprisings under the
guise of promoting democracy in developing nations. The US Congress
financially supports NED to achieve “democratic goals in more than 90
The IRI is the organization that works with the nations directly to
install democracy in nations that have had a manufactured uprising.
While Sharp himself has become a pasty over the years, the use of the
AEI has aided in the exclusion of military tactics with regard to how
the US government finances and promotes the ideals set forth by Sharp to
control governments across the globe.
Sharp’s book is “a substitute for war and other violent action.” Its
effectiveness has been seen in the seemingly grassroots revolutions that
have rocked recent history. Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Libya and Iran have
fallen victim to the ideology set forth by Sharp and its application
that is facilitated by citizens who unwittingly participate in the
over-throw of their government which happens to compliment the agendas
of the US government.