El TPP debe cumplir con los criterios de Obama: Casa Blanca | bilaterals.org
The TPP must meet the criteria Obama: White House
Negotiators seek the best deal for America, said government spokesman; Talks between the 12 countries, including Mexico, failed last week.
Any final trade deal with countries in the Pacific Basin must meet the criteria of President Barack Obama, the White House said Monday after talks on the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP by its acronym in English) failed to an agreement last week.
The spokesman for the White House, Josh Earnest, told reporters at a daily briefing, said negotiators largest economy in the world were focused on getting the best deal for Americans, but stressed that it was working to find common ground with other countries.
Ministers from Pacific Rim did not reach an agreement on Friday to free trade among a dozen nations in a dispute that emerged between Japan and North America on the sale of cars, along with New Zealand disagreements about products dairy and intellectual property protections for medicines of last generation.
After expectations of a deal, the talks were blockaded, although ministers are confident that the treaty can be achieved.
The TPP, in which Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, United States, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam involved, would create the biggest trade deal since the North American Free Trade Agreement liberalized business between the US, Canada and Mexico in 1994.