Knowledge Ecology International leaks TPP text on intellectual property
Today, August 4, 2015, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) released
text from three sections of the 95-page secret negotiating text on the
Intellectual Property Chapter being used in the Trans-Pacific
Partnership Agreement (TPP, sometimes referred to as TPPA) trade
negotiations. The negotiating text is dated May 11, 2015, and reflects
the state of the text right before the Maui rounds of the negotiation,
which ended Friday, July 31, 2015.
Released this morning is text from the following sections of the IP Chapter:
We hope to release the remaining sections (A, C, D, F, G, and the rest of H) later today and Wednesday.
The text will be placed on this web page:
The text released this morning is most relevant to issues related to
pharmaceuticals, especially rules on biologics and new chemicals. Later
today or tomorrow, KEI will release sections of the text relevant to
copyright and trademarks.