The Netherlands Ban Monsanto's RoundUp!
countries, and companies are introducing bans against Monsanto and its
toxic herbicide, RoundUp, at an astonishing rate! Not too long ago we
shared news of a German company booting Monsanto’s toxic ingredient
glyphosate from its store shelves, and news has resurfaced of the
Netherlands banning glyphosate-containing RoundUp as well!
According to CSGlobe, the Dutch Parliament decided that the sale of glyphosate-based herbicides to private parties will be prohibited as of late 2015.
That means that anyone who presently sprays RoundUp on their gardens
and lawns will have to find another form of pest control, as glyphosate
is the main ingredient in RoundUp.
If you’re not yet aware, this chemical has been directly linked to an assortment of severe health concerns,
including birth defects, nervous system damage, kidney failure, and
various forms of cancer. While there has not been any conclusive
evidence it causes these in humans, convincing animal studies have caused the WHO organization to recently label glyphosate as “probably carcinogen” - leading to bans like the one passed in the Netherlands.