miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

VIDEO: Chris Hedges, Cornel West on Black Prophetic Tradition - Truthdig

VIDEO: Chris Hedges, Cornel West on Black Prophetic Tradition - Truthdig

VIDEO: Chris Hedges, Cornel West on Black Prophetic Tradition

In the premiere episode of his TeleSUR show, “Days of Revolt,” Chris Hedges sits down with political commentator and professor Cornel West to discuss the black prophetic tradition, a movement described in West’s recent book, “Black Prophetic Fire.”

Calling his book a love letter to the younger generation, West says:
“Young people, you are waking up in a magnificent way from sleepwalking,
but there is a magnificent tradition that constitutes wind at your
back. You’re not going to get it in corporate media. You’re not going to
get it in mainstream discourse. The neoliberals who dominate corporate
media, they want to financialize, privatize and militarize. Lo and
behold, the black prophetic tradition says, ‘No, we’re critical of
pro-Wall Street policy to generate more capitalist wealth and
inequality,’ when it comes to privatize. ‘No, we want public life. We
want a sense of what we hold in common.’ ”