miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

Vital Obama Decision on Syria Bombing “Hoaxed” | New Eastern Outlook

Vital Obama Decision on Syria Bombing “Hoaxed” | New Eastern Outlook

Vital Obama Decision on Syria Bombing “Hoaxed”

The United
States has been performing air strikes inside Syria for many months now
with a singular lack of success. Thus, today’s announcement that
something has changed, that the US will now be defending the fighters
they recently trained inside Turkey, numbering only 60, is certainly
bizarre. However, what is more bizarre is the phony story published in
the Wall Street Journal on “condition of anonymity.” That is a hoax,
pure and simple, driven by that
newspaper’s owner, Rupert Murdoch and his endless striving for
propagandizing and use of hoax stories that are meant to break the will
of any nation that refuses to submit to rule by Netanyahu.

There are no anonymous sources in the Pentagon. An anonymous source is
a leak, a whistleblower and subject to arrest. If information is
released without authorization yet claiming to be “official,” it is
invariably nothing but sourceless editorial “spin” as so often used by
the WSJ, Huffington Post and Washington Post, to name a few.

articles have, when involving Syria, included no fly zones and an
imaginary 20,000 man American force to be stationed, supposedly since
2012, in Jordan. Today is no different. What is sad is that news
services like Russia Today are invariably taken in because of the sound
of the name, “Wall Street Journal,” not knowing it had been purchased by
the Murdoch organization and turned into a tabloid.
