jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

A 48-Year Long Sin | Nadav Bigelman | The Blogs | The Times of Israel

A 48-Year Long Sin | Nadav Bigelman | The Blogs | The Times of Israel

"This year at synagogue upon reciting the “Al Chet” prayer, we must
add the sin of 48 years of occupation, and 48 years of ruling over
another nation by force. I believe in the power of self-reckoning to
strengthen us and open the door for change. Ongoing violence and further
rounds of conflict can only be prevented if we act to end the
occupation, enabling both nations in the region to lead equal dignified

Read this article by Nadav Bigelman, BtS activist, in The Times of Israel
about the heavy sin we all carried with us this past Yom Kippur, and
that we continue to carry with us every day of the year: the prolonged
occupation over the Palestinian people.

Nadav Bigelman

Nadav Bigelman

Nadav Bigelman served as an infantry combat soldier in the Nahal Brigade and now works as a researcher for Breaking
