America: The World’s Greatest Threat
All US presidents at least since WW II were unindicted war
criminals, Obama the latest in a long line of rogue leaders, reflecting
America’s odious history, systematically pursuing empire, ravaging and
destroying one country after another, remaining unaccountable for his
high crimes.
Whoever succeeds him in 2017 will continue the same reckless
policies, maybe overstepping enough to launch WW III, potential
armageddon if occurs.
All presidential aspirants from both parties favor endless wars of
conquest. Peace is anathema. Maintaining America’s menacing military
global footprint is prioritized, its empire of bases, its alliances with
other rogue states, its rage to dominate unchallenged – the greatest
threat to world security and stability.
No nation threatens them more than America, none more likely to start
global war, none more greatly endangering humanity’s survival.
Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick co-authored “The Untold History of the United States” – now made into a 10-part Showtime documentary, covering US history since the FDR era.
In discussing the series, Stone said when he studied untold
US history, “one thing that really hit (him) hard was (America’s)
nefarious involvement in the Middle East” – beginning before WW II,
exploding with GHW Bush’s 1991 Iraq invasion and subsequent endless