lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

Ignoring U.S. Destabilization of Libya, GOP Benghazi Hearing Asks Clinton All the Wrong Questions | Democracy Now!

Ignoring U.S. Destabilization of Libya, GOP Benghazi Hearing Asks Clinton All the Wrong Questions | Democracy Now!

Ignoring U.S. Destabilization of Libya, GOP Benghazi Hearing Asks Clinton All the Wrong Questions

 Former secretary of state and current Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton
underwent a marathon day of testimony Thursday before the House Select
Committee probing the 2012 attack in Libya, which killed U.S. Ambassador
Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Throughout the hearing,
Clinton defended her record on Benghazi in the face of Republican
criticism. Republicans say Clinton ignored pre-attack warnings and
mishandled its aftermath, even though seven previous congressional
probes have found no wrongdoing. Clinton handled Republican questions
with a calm demeanor, and afterward panel chair Trey Gowdy, Republican
congressmember of South Carolina, admitted the hearing failed to turn up
anything new. Melvin Goodman, former CIA and
State Department analyst, says the Benghazi hearing has ignored the real
issue for Clinton to address: the U.S. bombing of Libya that
destabilized the country and set the stage for the fatal 2012 attack.
"What was learned was irrelevant," Goodman says. "What was relevant
wasn’t discussed."

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