lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

‘The earth in Indonesia is on fire’ -- New Internationalist

‘The earth in Indonesia is on fire’ -- New Internationalist

‘The earth in Indonesia is on fire’


Some of the most severe fires in human history are burning right now
in Indonesia, creating an environmental catastrophe in a region with
precious biodiversity, and putting the health of tens of millions of
people at risk.

‘The earth in Indonesia is on fire. Companies destroying forests and
draining peatland have made Indonesia’s landscape into a huge carbon
bomb, and the drought has given it a thousand fuses,’ said Bustar
Maitar, Indonesian Forest Project Leader for Greenpeace Southeast Asia.

Scientists now estimate that the fires will produce more CO2 emissions this year than the entire United Kingdom.
Many are blaming El Niño, which is bringing dry conditions through much
of Southeast Asia, but the truth is that the fires are almost 100%
human caused, and directly benefit 2 of the world’s biggest industries –
palm oil and pulp/paper.

Indonesian peat forest [Related Image]
Indonesia's beautiful peat swamp forests
are under increased threat from unscrupulous corporations wanting to
clear the land to grow cash crops.
Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia under a Creative Commons Licence