domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Putin Calls Out Washington -- Paul Craig Roberts -

Putin Calls Out Washington -- Paul Craig Roberts -

Putin Calls Out Washington — Paul Craig Roberts


Putin Calls Out Washington

Paul Craig Roberts

“We can no longer tolerate the state of affairs in the world.” President Vladimir Putin

Last Wednesday (28 Sept 2015) the world saw the difference between
Russia and Washington. Putin’s approach is truth-based; Obama’s is vain
boasts and lies, and Obama is running out of lies.

By telling the truth at a time of universal deceit, Putin committed a
revolutionary act. Referring to the slaughter, destruction, and chaos
that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa, and
Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist forces that have been unleashed, Putin
asked Washington: “Do you realize what you have done?”

Putin’s question reminds me of the question Joseph Welch asked
witch-hunting Senator Joseph McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency?”
Welch’s question is attributed with initiating the decline of McCarthy’s

Perhaps Putin’s question will have the same impact and bring the reign of “American Exceptionalism” to an end.

If so, Putin has launched a revolution that will overthrow the world’s subservience to Washington.

Putin stresses the legality of Russia’s intervention in Syria, which
is at the request of the Syrian government. He contrasts Russia’s
respect for international law with the intervention in Syria of
Washington and France, governments that are violating Syria’s
sovereignty with unrequested and illegal military action. 

Paul Craig Roberts

Institute for Political Economy