The Western Alliance Is Crumbling: EU Is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad
Obama Cannot Defeat Assad without EU’s Help. EU
Also Rejects Obama’s TTIP & TISA Demands. Obama’s Presidential
‘Legacy’ Heads to Failure
Europe is being overrun by refugees from American bombing campaigns in Libya and Syria, which created a failed state in Libya, and which threaten to do the same in Syria. Europe is thus being forced to separate itself from endorsing the U.S. bombing campaign that focuses against
the Syrian government forces of the secular Shiite Syrian President
Bashar al-Assad, instead of against his fundamentalist Sunni Islamic
opponents, the jihadist groups (all of which are Sunni), such as ISIS,
and Al Qaeda in Syria (al-Nusra).
A member of the Iraqi parliament has said:
The pressure on the Syrian regime, which is fighting
ISIS, must be lifted. They should not try to strengthen the feeble Free
Syrian Army [FSA]. There is no FSA. There is ISIS in Syria and Iraq. You
cannot fight ISIS in Iraq, yet support it in Syria. There is one war
and one enemy. The U.S. should give up its hypocrisy. People are not
The European publics oppose America’s bombings, which have poured
these refugees from American bombing, into Europe. European leaders are
starting to separate from alliance with the United States.