martes, 19 de enero de 2016

International doctors call for immediate ban on cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide -

International doctors call for immediate ban on cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide -


International doctors call for immediate ban on cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide

 Glyphosate herbicide(NaturalNews) In response to a recent International Agency for Research
on Cancer report, which found that the Monsanto herbicide glyphosate
"probably" causes cancer in humans, a cohort of international doctors is
now petitioning the European Union Parliament, the EU Commission, and
several other health and food safety authorities to take action by
banning the use of this prolific chemical.

A letter written on
May 14, 2015, by the International Society of Doctors for the
Environment, or ISDE, contends that a growing body of evidence shows
that glyphosate, as well as dozens of other commonly used crop
chemicals, is dangerous to both people and the environment. Signed by
the group's president, it calls on glyphosate in particular to be
outlawed with no exceptions.