"Hierarchies aren't natural phenomena within the human race. Outside
of parenting, human beings aren't born with the inclination to be ruled,
controlled, "managed," and "supervised"
by other human beings. Hierarchies are artificial constructs designed
to serve a purpose. They are a necessity within any society that boasts
high degrees of wealth and power inequities. They are a necessity for
maintaining these inequities and ensuring they are not challenged from
below. They exert control, conformity, and stability within a broader
society that is characterized by artificial scarcity, widespread
insecurity, unfathomable concentrations of wealth and power, and extreme
inequality. Without such control, these societies would unravel from
within as human beings would naturally seek autonomy and more control
over their lives and the lives of their loved ones - control that would
amount to nothing more than the ability to fulfill basic needs.
Despite the artificial and arbitrary nature of both bosses and
hierarchies, they persist. They dominate our days from the time we wake
until the time we go to sleep. They control our lives, our livelihoods,
and our ability to acquire food, clothing, shelter, and all that is
necessary to merely survive. If we do not subject ourselves to them, we
run the risk of starving, being homeless, and being unable to clothe or
feed our children. Despite this, we seldom examine them, seldom question
their existence or purpose, and seldom consider a life without them."