"Trump’s ascension to the presidency has ended his inside-out shtick.
Much like Barack Obama in 2008, Trump’s anti-establishment marketing
assault has culminated into an
uber-establishment cabinet. Within six weeks of his election victory,
Trump has proceeded to form what some have referred to as the General
Billionaires Administration. As of December 7th, Trump’s prospective
cabinet topped a combined personal wealth of $14 billion, “more than 30
times greater than that of even President George W. Bush’s White House.”
And that represents only half of the total appointees to come. Instead
of “draining the swamp” as he promised to do on the campaign trail,
Trump has called on his real-estate instincts to expand the swamp into a
gargantuan monstrosity of a cesspool. For working-class Americans, this
means the President and those surrounding him are even more out of
touch with the common struggle than ever before."