martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

CATALONIA -- Presentació de l'acord entre l'ANC i l'AMI per impulsar la campanya Signa un Vot - YouTube

Presentació de l'acord entre l'ANC i l'AMI per impulsar la campanya Signa un Vot - YouTube:

 Presentation of the agreement between the ANC and the AMI signs a campaign to promote voting

(3 March 2014) The Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and the Association
of Municipalities for Independence (AMI) explain the agreement reached
in order for the campaign signs a vote for independence make a
qualitative allowing harder to get all those people who want to exercise
their fundamental right to petition. Took part in the press conference
the president of the ANC, Carmen Forcadell, President of AMI and mayor
of Vic, Josep Maria Vila Abadal and project coordinator, Rosa Alentorn,
who explained the details intensive collecting will be coming on 22 and
23 March.


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