CIA Torture and the Threat of Dictatorship | Global Research
CIA Torture and the Threat of Dictatorship | Global Research
Only one conclusion can be drawn from the report published in
the Washington Post Tuesday giving grisly details of CIA torture of
prisoners and systematic lying by government officials to cover it up:
the US ruling elite as a whole is guilty of war crimes for which it must
be held accountable.
The Post report, based on leaks from unnamed “US officials,”
describes the findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s
investigation into the operation of CIA “black sites”—the secret prisons
in Afghanistan, Poland, Romania, Thailand and other countries where
prisoners were held for “interrogation,” i.e., waterboarding, sleep
deprivation, beatings, stress positions, induced hypothermia and other
forms of torture.
The article provides only a brief extract of the material compiled in
the massive committee report, which the CIA has been fighting for more
than a year to suppress. On Thursday, the Senate committee is expected
to vote to seek the declassification and publication of a 400-page
executive summary.
The bulk of the report, which runs to 6,300 pages, is never to be
made public, according to both Democrats and Republicans on the Senate
panel. The Postarticle describes its text as divided into three
volumes, one giving a full chronology of the secret interrogations, a
second contrasting what CIA officials said about the program with what
they knew was really happening, and a third giving a detailed accounting
of nearly all of the roughly 100 prisoners held at “black sites”
between 2002 and 2006.