jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

¡Hay que parar el proyecto de acuerdo trasatlántico! | La bolsa y la Vida

¡Hay que parar el proyecto de acuerdo trasatlántico! | La bolsa y la Vida

We must stop the draft transatlantic agreement!

July last year the European Union and the U.S. are negotiating a free
trade and investment whose current draft is extremely disturbing.

This agreement is the acronym ATCI (TTIP English) ... and that is, of
the conditions under which business transactions and investments can be
made between EU and USA in a few years, knowing that, in principle, is
scheduled that the agreement may be completed and signed within two

The reasons seem to justify this agreement, are diverse and varied,
being the most important, if not stated, the threat that China can
become in four years in the largest economy in the world.

It therefore would be, according to the defenders of the agreement, a
trade-economic and financial partnership between the EU and USA that
addresses the threat and also generates welfare ... and finally resolved
the crisis that we are suffering ... What laudable goals!, but ... What
is reality?.

The reality, again, is that, using excuses that "put fear" to
citizenship, multinational companies and those who manage the financial
markets want to go a step further to dominate the world, supplanting
governments in principle are democratically elected by the citizens.

The current draft is just creepy ATCI since dictates, among other
mischief, a company can make billions pay compensation if any state
measures may take the government of any state, be it color, damaged the
interests of the Us ... Goodbye Constitution, bye-laws of state
government, municipal edicts ... bye bye to all that "sound" to
decisions which, in principle, have been chosen for what is still called
"universal suffrage" in countries still called democratic.

This is a stickup ... one more heist being organized without informing,
without transparency, so important to our future life of our children
... and our grandchildren.

Can we do something to make this new outrage not perform?. Well, yes. Elections to the European Parliament are just around the corner, and we should be actors and not spectators thereof. For example, asking all Spanish parties contesting the election what their positioning with respect to ATCI.
Let us explain what is ... and what they carry in their programs to
keep the agreement as it stands, can not be a reality ... Why nobody
talks about ATCI?.

information discussed on this recording has been gathered by Paco
Alvarez at a meeting which took place in Lyon this past weekend, I find
that they visited MEPs from different countries and in which he spoke of
the need citizen of a European collaboration, being aware of the
situation that has brought us the current economic model, actress and
not be a spectator of the outrages being committed.)
