miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

USA - Kein investigativer Journalismus in Mastbetrieben

USA - Kein investigativer Journalismus in Mastbetrieben

 # USA ‬: ‪ No investigative journalism # ‬ in fattening farms

"dark, indistinct black-and-white images of chickens, turkeys or pigs,
close to crowded in the finishing house: Such secretly rotated images of
animal rights activists, documenting the plight of the animals, it is
in the U.S. soon no longer give More and more states are planning laws
to punish the publishing of such recordings
An undercover video:..
sows in steel cages that are so closely that the animals can not turn
around. Hundreds of dead piglets which have died from diarrhea. Their
intestines are torn out and made into mush as feed for the sows. "Stop
it," says the Humane Society, a U.S. animal welfare organization,
showing the video since February, to fight for better conditions in
factory farms.
Punished be the discoverers, not the perpetrators

But uncovering such abuses on the basis of evidence videos in the U.S.
is always riskier. Instead of stricter animal welfare rules to design,
prohibit more and more U.S. states that documentation of animal cruelty -
are not punished the perpetrators, but the discoverers. [...] "
Public opinion is to be manipulated by withholding information. This happens every day, even when uns.

http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/usa-kein-investigativer-journalismus-in-mastbetrieben.697.de.html?dram%3Aarticle_id=283351 Rentals 

Zu sehen sind Schweine in einem Mastbetrieb. 

 In addition to a law that prohibits pain from cows and pigs at
slaughter, there is no U.S.-wide animal welfare regulations for the
industry. (Picture alliance / dpa / Photo: Carsten Rehder)