Lesley Docksey Column --- Who Owns the Earth? Earth Ecology versus Global Economy
“Vimes knew how you could own a pub, but he wondered how you could own a trout stream because, if that was your bit, it had already gurgled off downstream while you were watching it, yes? That meant that somebody else was now fishing in your water, the bastard! And the bit in front of you now had recently belonged to the bloke upstream; that bloated plutocrat of a fat neighbour now probably considered you some kind of poacher, that other bastard! And the fish swam everywhere, didn’t they? How did you know which ones were yours? Perhaps they were branded – that sounded very countryside to Vimes.” Terry Pratchett - Snuff
Years ago I travelled in a friend’s car down to Devon to stay on an Exmoor farm. I was dropped off at the end of the lane to the valley were the farm lay. After so long cooped up in a small car full of people I walked slowly down the hill, filling my lungs with clean, fresh air. My senses were being cleansed. I saw more clearly and sniffed more keenly the scents blowing from the moor. And I listened.