Activists from Europe and USA join forces in the fight against TTIP
cycle of conferences organized by the European Greens will travel this
week many capitals, starting on Tuesday in Madrid to continue the
international campaign to reject the Free Trade Agreement negotiated by
the European Union and the United States, known as TTIP by the acronym .
"These acts will attend US partners because we want to stage this is
not a struggle of Europe against the US, but a transatlantic fight
against multinationals and people who take advantage of these treaties,"
he said Tuesday at Novosti Florent Marcellesi Sputnik, EQUO spokesman,
the Spanish Green Party in the European Parliament.
Thea Lee, representative of the American Federation of Labor and Union
of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the largest US labor federation,
was present Tuesday at the Madrid conference 'transatlantic Resistance
Against TTIP', which marked the start of this week fighting.
"There are many similarities in the struggle that is taking the US and
the European Union. In the US there is a growing dissatisfaction with
government decisions in this regard," Lee Sputnik Novosti said.
The AFL-CIO representative said that the most important for activists
against TTIP in the US is that there is "a very strong coalition" before
it is too late.
"We are concerned about the direction we are taking the negotiations,
we do not trust what our government will do," said the trade unionist.
However, among the most important issues that has denounced Lee's approval known as "fast track".
"With this measure, the US president will have capacity to decide on
free trade agreements during the next six years. The President will have
all the bargaining power and only need a simple majority to approve
it," denounced the US.
Marcellesi said they would approve a trade agreement with the United States but not as TTIP.
"We want a fair, ethical and cooperation between the US and EU trade.
As a priority we should fight, for example, on tax havens and climate
change", he said in statements to the agency.
However, the TTIP gives more power to the multinationals.
"They are not free trade agreements are investment treaties, which
primarily benefit multinationals like other treated as TISA, the
Agreement on Trade in Services," said spokesman Equo.