‘UK spied on Merkel’s Greek bailout plans and told NSA’ – WikiLeaks
British intelligence agencies spied on German Chancellor Angela
Merkel and other leaders as they discussed Greek bailout plans for
European banks in 2011, WikiLeaks revelations suggest.
Phone calls from top
German ministers, public officials and even Merkel’s personal
assistant were intercepted by the UK and shared with the US
National Security Agency (NSA).
WikiLeaks claims the leaked cables reveal Merkel’s personal
skepticism about solutions to Greece’s financial crisis and
Berlin’s support for a special IMF bailout for banks funded by
the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
The cables, published Wednesday, also purport to show Germany’s
support for a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) to be levied on
banks, a move opposed by the UK and US.