A feast for the parliament of Catalonia
The Catalan anti-capitalists in the CUP have presented their lists for the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia; a true feast with names of firmly committed, intelligent, honourable, imaginative and combative people… It would be fantastic to see people of the like of Antonio Baños, Benet Salellas, Gabriela Serra and Julià de Jodar in the chamber, to mention but a few names of men and women who have stood out for years for their work in favour of people and of the country who have now taken the step to call the people to vote.
This list follows the list of the coalition ‘Junts pel Sí’ (Together for Yes), the other independentist group that brings CDC together with ERC and a large part of civil society, represented by Òmnium and the ANC. ‘Junts pel Sí’ has thus managed to gather the country’s two principal political forces with an impressive list of independent figures. There are moral referents such as the singer Lluís Llach, professionals who offer their prestige to the service of independence, like Germà Bel and Oriol Amat, great popular leaders like Carme Forcadell, mayors and sportspeople known around the world, as is the case of Pep Guardiola.