Concerned citizens chained to museum in TPPA protest
Media Release
Concerned citizens chained to museum in protest of NZ signing TPPA
The stalling of yesterday’s TPPA negotiations in Maui provide light
relief for the citizens of New Zealand, but we cannot be complacent in
thinking that our Government will not continue on signing our country up
to a deal that may be detrimental for generations to come.
Seven concerned citizens have chained themselves to one another
outside of the Auckland War Memorial Museum in protest at our
Government’s intent to sign the TPPA without consulting democratic
processes. “The TPPA undermines the sovereignty and democracy of our
country. It will take away our freedom of choice and leave us vulnerable
to the whims of foreign corporations with no right to appeal’’
protester Kathleen Lafferty.
The Museum has been chosen as it is symbolic of our country’s
pioneering history, including the many lives lost in protecting our
sovereignty. If New Zealand is signed up to the TPPA, all our history
could be in vain, we need to protect our history as well as our future.
Protesters have adorned words on their t-shirts which represent the
values that are being lost through the current undemocratic process our
Government has undertaken so far, some of these values include honesty,
sincerity, compassion and justice.