Hundreds of Civilians Credibly Reported Killed in First Year of Coalition Airstrikes, Airwars Study Finds
A six-month investigation into alleged civilian and ‘friendly fire’
deaths from Coalition airstrikes in Iraq and Syria has identified more
than 120 incidents of concern to June 30th according to an Airwars report published today – three times more problem events than the Coalition itself was aware of.
Airwars believes that for 57 of these incidents, there is sufficient
publicly-available evidence to indicate Coalition responsibility for
civilian and friendly forces deaths. Between them these events account
for 459-591 alleged civilian fatalities, and the reported deaths of
48-80 allied forces.
In stark contrast, the Coalition has investigated just ten incidents –
and has so far conceded just two civilian deaths in thousands of
airstrikes across Iraq and Syria since August 2014.
1,000 alleged fatalities
Since February Airwars has been examining claims totaling more than
1,000 alleged civilian fatalities. Many of these incidents remain
difficult to verify. Some are contested, with counterclaims that Iraqi
or Syrian forces carried out an attack. Other events are poorly
reported. On occasion claims of civilian fatalities have turned out to
be false, researchers found.
Even so, the public record clearly suggests a significant under-reporting of civilian deaths by the Coalition.
Airwars is publishing its own full findings online,
with detailed descriptions of each event and links to every known
source. The database features hundreds of photographs and videos, along
with the names of more than 260 alleged victims.
of a devastating Coalition strike at Hawijah, Iraq on June 3rd 2015
which reportedly killed up to 70 civilians. (Photo: via Iraqi Spring)
of a devastating Coalition strike at Hawijah, Iraq on June 3rd 2015
which reportedly killed up to 70 civilians. (Photo: via Iraqi Spring)