domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

Top Wall Street Journal Editor Plots with Pro-Israel Group to Thwart Iran Deal | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Top Wall Street Journal Editor Plots with Pro-Israel Group to Thwart Iran Deal | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Top Wall Street Journal Editor Plots with Pro-Israel Group to Thwart Iran Deal

In a leaked conversation with a U.S. pro-Israeli group, the
right-wing pro-war journalist said he favored war with Iran over the
diplomatic Iran deal

A U.S.-based organization called Christians United for Israel and the
Wall Street Journal’s longtime foreign affairs columnist and deputy
editorial page editor Bret Stephens were discussing over the phone
strategies to defeat the Iran deal set for a vote in the U.S. Congress soon.

A recording of the conversation that lasted for 30 minutes was leaked to the Intercept website Thursday.

During the phone call, Stephens said that a vote in favor of the Iran
deal would be similar to the vote in favor of the U.S. invasion of

“Someone should say, ‘this is going to be like your vote for the Iraq
War. This is going to come back to haunt you. Mark my words, it will
come back to haunt you. Because as Iran cheats, as Iran becomes more
powerful, and Iran will be both of those things, you will be held to
account. This vote will be a stain,’” the right-wing journalist was
quoted as saying by the Intercept.
