domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

Vaccine fraud, black abortions and prison slave labor: Why #BlackLivesDontMatter to the U.S. government and the CDC -

Vaccine fraud, black abortions and prison slave labor: Why #BlackLivesDontMatter to the U.S. government and the CDC -

Vaccine fraud, black abortions and prison slave labor: Why #BlackLivesDontMatter to the U.S. government and the CDC

 (NaturalNews) Yesterday we learned that the CDC deliberately destroyed evidence linking vaccines to autism in black children.
This outrageous example of scientific fraud also has the curious effect
of disproportionately harming black babies more than white babies. To
the CDC, it seems that #BlackLivesDontMatter...

Yet the
systematic destruction of black lives through vaccine mandates (thanks,
Gov. Jerry Brown! You're the new medical KKK of Kalifornia!) is only the
tip of the iceberg on this story. Between the U.S. government's funding
of Planned Parenthood and its butchery of literally thousands of unborn
babies every day -- most of which are from African-American mothers --
and the government's deliberate cover-up of the links between vaccines
and autism in African-American infants, it's becoming quite clear that
the United States government is engaged in the destruction of black lives under the banners of "public health" and "women's health".
