Chris Hedges: Banning Dissent in the Name of Civility - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Truthdig: Banning Dissent in the Name of Civility
I had been invited to talk next April 3 at the University of Pennsylvania at a peace conference sponsored by the International Affairs Association,
but last week after Truthdig published my column “ISIS—the New Israel”
the lecture agency that set up the event received this email from
Zachary Michael Belnavis, who is part of the student group:
We’re sorry to inform you that we don’t think that Chris
Hedges would be a suitable fit for our upcoming peace conference. We’re
saying this in light of a recent article he’s written in which he
compares the organization ISIS to Israel (here’s the article in question). In light of this comparison we don’t believe he would be suitable to a co-existence speaker based on this stance he’s taken.
Demonstrators hold up signs during a BDS protest in Melbourne, Australia, in 2010. Wikimedia Commons/Takver (CC-BY-SA)