Chris Hedges: ISIS—the New Israel - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
(ISIS) is our Frankenstein. The United States after a decade of war in
Iraq pieced together its body parts. We jolted it into life. We bathed
it in blood and trauma. And we gave it its intelligence. Its dark and
vicious heart of vengeance and war is our heart. It kills as we kill. It
tortures as we torture. It carries out conquest as we carry out
conquest. It is building a state driven by hatred for American
occupation, a product of the death, horror and destruction we visited on
the Middle East. ISIS now controls an area the size of Texas. It is
erasing the borders established by French and British colonial powers
through the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement. There is little we can do to stop it.
Demonstrators chant Islamic State slogans last June as they
carry the group’s flag in front of the provincial government
headquarters in Mosul in Iraq. AP photo